2000 to 2009


2000 - 2003


Aquinas College/Circle Theatre collaboration is approved by the Board. The new Performing Arts Center will be shared by Aquinas 学院戏剧系、圆形剧场及天主教中学制作 it a facility that is rarely dark.


Community-based nursing program 开始于十大赌博登录官网大学,与底特律大学和圣玛丽大学合作 Medical Center.

9/11那天,当纽约和华盛顿的事件揭示出真相时,整个校园都惊呆了 worst terror attack in American history. A spontaneous prayer gathering draws over a hundred people to the Fatima Shrine.

九月,十大赌博登录官网的戏剧项目随着《十大赌博登录官网》的演出而恢复 雷克斯在艺术和音乐中心圆形剧场,由英语教授丹·布鲁克斯主演 as Oedipus and Sr. Rosemary O'Donnell as Jocasta.

Aquinas's athletic program, under Athletic Director Terry Bocian该学院被NAIA评为“品格冠军”院校,是全美仅有的31所大学之一 nationwide so designated. The honor recognizes respect, responsibility, integrity, 体育精神,教练和运动员的仆人式领导.


Inauguration of Aquinas College Hall of Fame and Athletic Hall of Fame. 这个一年一度的活动在返校节周末的周五举行,旨在表彰那些为家庭做出贡献的人 在为学院和社区服务方面表现出色,或者是谁 had outstanding careers in collegiate athletics.

十大赌博正规平台在线和底特律仁慈大学合作提供以社区为基础的服务 nursing program to West Michigan students.

十大赌博正规平台在线表演艺术中心,于2003年开业,是一个独特的合作 Venture,一个由三个不同的表演公司全年使用的建筑.

爱尔兰项目在返校节庆祝其成立30周年. Founded in 1970年代,它成为十大赌博登录官网最成功的海外学习项目.


A new major in Sustainable Business is added to the curriculum. 十大赌博正规平台在线是密歇根州第一所提供 这个新兴领域的本科学位强调“三重底” 将盈利能力与社会和环境责任相结合.

男子网球赢得大急流城大学锦标赛. Track wins WHACchampionship. Basketball coach Dave Hammer 带领圣徒队参加全国锦标赛,大急流城锦标赛, and WHAC championships in the middle of the decade.



学术大楼和阿尔伯塔斯大厅的教室配备了技术设备 设备,安装在一个单独的单元,其中包括控制天花板上安装的投影仪 它允许课堂演示从互联网,DVD/VCR观看,声音 projection and Power Point presentations. The TAP units quickly become indispensable resources for many teachers.

The North Central Accrediting Association gives Aquinas a 7 year reaccreditation.

体育总监特里·博希安获得沃伦·雷诺兹终身成就奖 在梅杰花园举行的March of Dimes西密歇根体育奖宴会上.

The student newspaper changes its name from The Aquinas Times to The Saint. In October, the first talk in the Saint Thomas Aquinas Lecture on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition is given.


学院为Grace Hauenstein图书馆破土动工,这是一个重新配置的图书馆 Jarecki高级学习和教育中心的扩建. Long a dream 学院的独立图书馆将配备最新的电子设备, 扩大了互联网和电子书的接入,以及一个计算机教室. The building which 合并了Jarecki高级学习中心和Lacks中心的教室 will become a total learning center. (At left:) Ground is broken for the new Grace haenstein图书馆,是原有Jarecki-Lacks中心的创造性扩展.

Competitive Dance is offered as an athletic activity for the first time.

诺贝尔奖得主爱尔兰诗人谢默斯·希尼作为当代作家的一部分出现 Series 2005-06 season.

可持续商业专业强调环境与企业之间的紧密联系 responsibility and good business practice. Here professor Matt Tueth leads a class during the Alaska field course.

2006 - 2009


At a joint faculty-staff assembly in January, President Harry Knopke 宣布他将在六月底退休,以追求其他的生活选择. A search 委员会由校董会成员及校董会职员组成 faculty and staff assemblies. 在春季和夏季,全国范围内进行搜索 for a replacement. Knopke的遗产包括增加国外学习和 服务机会,三十年来校园里新建的第一批学生宿舍, 十大赌博登录官网大学在美国大学年度排名中名列中西部大学前列.S. News and World Report ranking several years running.

May 10 - Nobel Prize winning poet Seamus Heaney 作为2005-2006年度的闭幕活动,在拥挤的人群前朗读 Contemporary Writers Series.

July & 8月——图书馆准备从旧的拥挤的地方搬出来 Academic Building to its new location. As part of the changeover, every title in the 收集从杜威十进制重新编目到国会图书馆的数字. In 8月下旬,搬家就发生了,请专业的图书馆搬家公司来 把图书馆的藏书转移到新的,更宽敞的地方 Grace Hauenstein library.

9月——格蕾丝·豪恩斯坦图书馆向十大赌博登录官网社区开放. 该建筑由Progressive AE设计,成为校园内第一个获得 U. S. 绿色建筑委员会的能源和环境领导银奖 Design) certification.

在格蕾丝·豪恩斯坦图书馆里,电脑可以完全上网 访问以及访问所有十大赌博正规平台在线的计算机程序.



May 23 - The Board of Trustees announces that C. Edward Balog, Ph.D. has been appointed as the College's sixth president. Dr. Balog, the college's Provost since 2000, had 自2006年7月1日起担任十大赌博登录官网的临时总统. He was elected unanimously 在2007年5月22日的董事会会议上,并于7月1日担任新职务。 2007. 10月26日,整个校园都会举行庆祝活动来庆祝就职典礼 of C. Edward Balog, Ph.D. as the sixth president of Aquinas College.

Patrick Miles, Jr. (左),十大赌博正规平台在线董事会主席,和 十大赌博正规平台在线董事会副主席威廉·邓肯主教(中) congratulate Dr. C. Edward Balog during the inauguration ceremony.

President Balog with students at the Viva Balog! celebration of his inauguration in October 2007. The Viva Balog T-shirts become instant collectors items.

(左图)新的人造草坪足球场得到了执事丹尼斯·威廉姆斯的祝福, assisted by members of the women's soccer team. Aquinas became the first team in its conference to play on artificial turf. The field also accommodates men's and women's lacrosse.


Holmdene 100th Anniversary 制作一张特别的纪念DVD来庆祝,修复和维护 参观历史建筑的外观,并与后人共进午餐 罗氏家族曾经拥有这所学院所在的庄园.

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